Trends in B2B online marketing

What motivates marketers in Trends in B2B companies? And above all, which marketing trend is really relevant? One thing can be revealed in advance: the top 5 trends in B2B online marketing relate primarily to two central marketing and sales aspects: increasing brand loyalty and user-centric communication. Sustainability, data, social media and AI are the biggest influences. Invest 9 minutes of reading time now as a basis for your further decisions.

  • Sustainability communication will play an extremely strong role in the purchasing decision processes of B2B companies.
  • Both the limitations of 3rd party cookies and the need for more customer insights require more data driven marketing .
  • Social media marketing will become even more important in customer communication as well as in the context of employer branding and social recruiting.
  • The increased importance of Generation Z in customer journeys and purchasing processes requires marketing to be adapted to the needs of this generation.
  • To optimize work processes and increase marketing effectiveness, AI-driven marketing is becoming a driving force for companies.

Trend No. 1: Green Marketing

Decisions for capital goods and commercial durable and consumable goods are influenced by one central factor. What economic benefit do 99 acres database the products offer the company?Trends in B2B While consumers (B2C) also buy products that they don’t really need, this plays little or no role in the B2B environment.

But how consumers make private purchases influences their attitudes towards professional purchasing decisions. And in addition to the above-mentioned factors of sustainability and environmental protection, an increasingly important role is being played here . It is no longer just Generation Z that cares about the conditions under which products are manufactured and how these products and the company itself contribute to climate protection.

Image source: creative360, topic “Sustainability”

Aspects relating to sustainability will therefore play a decisive role in future purchasing decisions made by people in B2B companies. Thesis: B2B companies that do not engage in credible sustainability communication will no new features like custom topics longer be considered in future purchasing decision processes. The same also applies to recruiting and application processes (keyword: climate protection and Generation Z).

Sustainability communication will become a decisive differentiating factor in the next three years. This is what 80% of Trends in B2B marketers think in the bvik survey.

Source: bvik , Trend Barometer 2023

The majority of B2B marketers have already

Recognized the importance of green marketing for themselves. In practice, however, we at creative360 observe three scenarios : (1) B2B companies already have a sustainability strategy, but do not communicate it or do not communicate it enough. (2) B2B brands do have “green products”. However, these are largely unknown to their target groups due to a lack of communication. (3) The company does not have a clear stance on environmental protection and ESG rules, nor do they strive for sustainable business.

82% of consumers want companies to put the needs of people and the planet before profits. They also believe that brands (B2B/B2C) should do more to protect the environment.

Source: Talkwater , Social Media Trends 2023

Trends in B2B companies that are in ba leads scenarios. Have the greatest chance of benefiting from green marketing. Positioning as an ESG-oriented brand, increasing brand loyalty and credibility within target groups are the strongest advantages of green marketing.

But marketing itself must also ask itself . How sustainable the measures are and what contribution digital and traditional marketing makes to environmental protection. The answers to these questions, coupled with a sustainability strategy and green products, reveal the true power of sustainable communication.

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