On the panel moderated by WSI Director of Marketing and Communications Aspects to Cheryl Baldwin, Sharon Herrnstein , BA, MBA, and Chief Marketing for success Officer of WSI Digitaledge Marketing, and Heidi Schwende , Chief Digital Officer and Chief Marketing Officer of WSI Digital Moxie Inc., answered some FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS in a very enlightening conversation about how adopting or improving the field of e-commerce can help you get your business off the ground. In case you missed it, you can watch the webinar here.
What is special about eCommerce for success?
E-commerce is everywhere! It doesn’t matter if you are in the B2B or B2C industry, either way, you can executive data participate in eCommerce. The statistics regarding the growth of eCommerce speak for themselves: At the peak of the pandemic, the growth that e-commerce recorded in just three months was the equivalent of ten years. More than 2.14 billion people in the world are expected to purchase goods and services online this year.
What's the best way to deliver a great online shopping experience for customers?
Wow! If the last year has taught us anything. It is the value of adapting to doing Aspects to business online. However, there is a caveat, e-commerce must be done correctly if it is intended to help you find new sources of income and breathe new life into your business. To get the customer’s online experience right, it must be simple and easy. From the buyer’s point of view. This requires a lot of work UAB Directory behind the scenes, that is, on both your and the supplier’s side. Therefore, trust the experts and you will see that all that hard work is well worth it!