Continuous innovation in the world
How to send an email to a user who visit our website but we don’t have his email address. The […]
How to send an email to a user who visit our website but we don’t have his email address. The […]
Via traditional mail bearing the logo of the tour company he was going on vacation to. Let this scenario serve
Did not match our interests and nes? Apathy is known in the marketer community as banner blindness meaning not noticing
A page that will allow the recipient to get more information and of course leave their contact details. If we
Rirects should work but it’s best to check before sending. The whole process takes a short time and the effect
Automation tools in the future. Is it worth it No doubt Is it easy Definitely check it out Customers who
What exactly is it? It is a protocol that improves the security of data transmission. Data transmitt via this protocol
The Internet offers undoubtly choices. We all love having it. However, this can become a barrier when communication is spread
The products offer by the store. So our shows the products that interest him. Meanwhile someone enters the office and
Research results show that most companies have experienc significant sales growth after introducing automation, and marketing automation strategies continue to
Personal preferences, gender, body shape, loyalty program participants, residents of a specific city, people who make purchases at events, etc.
Excessive shipping costs • Hidden delivery times or long waiting times for products • Slow page loading • Unclear or