Worse Conditions Everywhere We

 And since someone else did not say it, he said it: the most serious moment of my life was my imprisonment in a prison in Peru , 112 days of confinement that will overflow into a sui generis vanguard that will be call Trilce, and no, Solo de steels , nor Coffins , nor Sherzando and even less Bronze Skulls, although let me confess that I would have opt for Coffins. After a thousand almost, almost useless discussions, we never unravel the reason for the title. What is clear to me is that while here the cholo Vallejo was printing from the Trilce Penitentiary printing press, somewhere very far away, a certain Joyce was presenting Ulysses and Elliot his Wasteland, mind you, without an internet connection.

Very Current Today

 He cross the seas and arriv just to celebrate the national day of the French in 1923, and from there he became b2b leads universal, humaniz, made aware, politiciz and join the Communist Party, and met Miller’s Nin, Russia, Spain and France came, always France, also Georgette that I met one afternoon when she was giving a lecture about her husband, and as a teenager, I discover what love is, what a woman in love with you means, that afternoon that lady taught me, a confession flash in her eyes : I lov Vallejo, he didn’t.

Would Be They Do

 And so death came to him, asking for help that never came, letters that were never answer, but yes, the art, his poetry that was impregnat in that Spain, remove from me this chalice, which was read during those three stupid years that They bl this nation dry and where that dead man never rose because the Vallejian dream was too much for us, so human, so UAB Directory corpses. His wife and Porras Barrenechea title the latest poems as Human Poems, and beyond titles or tastes it seems to me that it is the closest to the cholo.

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