Your money is as safe with us as with any other bank that offers online banking my data. We work with solarisBank, a German bank that naturally adheres to all regulations. Even if our business model does not pay off and we go bankrupt, our customers’ money is safe thanks to deposit protection.
Technically speaking, we work with all current standards and our servers are located in Germany. The security and trust of our customers are very important to us.
In your experience, what other problems do self-employed people have with their finances?
Many people still believe that money is not something to talk about my data. This means that many founders start their own business with the austria phone number data wrong ideas and expect to make a lot of money in a short space of time. I think it’s great that you have been reporting transparently on the finances of internet self-employed people for so many years. Reports like this help to prevent misconceptions.
Short-term liquidity is another problem that many self-employed people are familiar with. That’s actually what overdrafts are for, but as a self-employed person you almost never get one or only with great effort. I myself only got my first overdraft from my bank even if you can be batman, be yourself after 10 years. But if I have a liquidity problem because I have to pay my suppliers while my own customers pay late, I don’t have time to wait weeks for an overdraft to be granted. That has to happen faster and we have that on our agenda.
How much work did it take to develop this offer and app? How long did it take and how big is your team?
As you can probably imagine, it is not easy to develop such an offer my data. Even though we do not have our own banking license and rely on our partner fresh list bank solarisBank, there are many rules and regulations that we have to take into account.
We as a founding team came together for the first time at the end of 2015. In January 2016, we received our first capital from the company builder Founders to develop the idea of Kontist. In the following months, we worked hard, grew to 13 employees and finally launched the iPhone app in February 2017 and the Android version in April 2017. We currently have 18 employees.