Is it profitable? Let’s figure it out together!

Quail farming as a business.

1. Quail farming as a business: preparation.
2. Buying young animals and bird characteristics.
3. Making a profit from quail farming.
4. Conclusion.

Quail farming as a business.
Let’s find out if it’s profitable?
In this article, we will consider raising quails as a business.

Breeding these birds usually

Brings income from selling eggs, less often – from selling meat and chicks. Since quails do not reach large sizes, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on raising birds for meat. It is much easier and more profitable to sell quail eggs, which will be discussed below. You will find more profitable ideas in the article: “Business in the countryside without investment. 10 proven, working ideas!”

Quail Farming as a job seekers database Business: Preparation
In order to create a quail farming business with a full reproduction cycle, you will need to lay some eggs to hatch chicks. Therefore, your business equipment should consist of the following three parts:
An incubator for out together! eggs (quails do not hatch them)
A brooder with a heating lamp for chicks
Cages (20 cm high, 180 cm2 per 1 quail)


The cages and brooder should be

Equipped with a feeding system. One quail needs 34 grams of feed per day. Young and adult birds should be fed out together! with different feeds – chicks will need a special compound feed, which is better absorbed by the immature organism and stimulates its growth.
Chicks are birds up to 4 weeks (28 days) old. Birds of any age should be fed 3-4 times a day.

[warning]We out together! recommend that you read the following materials:


Buying young animals agb directory and is it profitable? let’s figure it out together! bird characteristics
It is better to start breeding with 5-7 dozen quails, no less. For one male, 3-5 females are provided. Moreover, at the very beginning it is better to buy already adult individuals, so as not to wait for the moments of their maturation. Birds lay eggs after 40 days of life.

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