In marketing One of the most important aspects of a lead generation campaign is to ensure that the content in play is aligned with your objectives. In short, in marketing as in journalistic information: to get closer to our target audiences, we must constantly promote high-quality content.
Whether it is its format
length or composition, whatever the target audience or market, quality is the first lever for the success of our content. You can integrate dozens and dozens of them into a campaign, but if they are of poor quality, your target audience will simply not be interested in them. Worse, the negative effects induced – beyond the one-off failure – could be lasting.
But what is quality content? And how can you ensure – ultimately – that your lead generation campaign is entirely driven by this type of content?
In the world of a marketing department
as in that of a newspaper editorial team like that of MagIT, it is a question
What are your potential targets (prospects and customers) looking for?
Your potential targets generally do not want
have a commercial experience as their first intention car owner database when they consume your content. They do not want you to tell them that your product is the “best on the market” and the only viable solution to their problem. Instead, they are looking to learn about the topic in question, in order to better understand all aspects of the problem they are trying to solve and to fuel their thinking on what may be an issue for them…
By informing these targets, you help them move toward 8 services that generate monthly income for a digital agency what’s best for their own organization. Trust us, they’ll remember who they’re talking to when they’re choosing a solution. Before you try to woo them commercially, remember what we learned from the 2022-2023 Information Consumption and Investment Decision Study we conducted to better understand our readership’s information journey: 92% of buyers say they’re more likely to engage with a technology vendor who helped them learn about a particular technology topic or concept.
Why does a quality campaign require a mix of content types?
A particular content format is not the best andorra business directory indicator of quality. This is largely because individuals have unique preferences for the content they want to engage with. With the average buyer team being comprised of 8+ people across multiple departments and hierarchical levels, your campaign must anticipate all preferences in order to engage as many members of the buyer team as possible.
some potential buyers may want to engage
exclusively with third-party information, from analyst firms that provide a more neutral approach to a market or product. Others expect concrete case studies that present your product in action and the specific benefits or return on investment it has brought to other customers. At our level, the MagIT editorial team has defined a certain number of formats: News, Analyses, Technological advice, Feedback. Each responds to a way of approaching the choice for this or that technology.
It is therefore a question, for a campaign, in the same logic, of giving oneself the means to decline a single message in several attractive formats for different target profiles.
The 4 Key Factors of Quality Content
Similarly, as a press publisher, we regularly ask ourselves, with our journalists, what quality information content means. We inevitably refocus on four key factors, namely:
A positive reading experience for the user
Updated formats, quick to produce or adapt
Reliable basic data
The depth/completeness of the points covered, focused on customer needs.
Let’s look at how each element contributes to the quality of your content.
1) Create a positive user experience
The key to successful UX is finding a balance between thematic alignment (is your content relevant to the main topic or point of contention?) and transparent, professional presentation. What does this mean in practice?
A webinar you produce will not be consumed by your potential customers if it is not well organized. Has audio or video issues, and does not contain clear information.
Same approach for written or infographic production. In web or PDF format your content must be clear. Divided in a way that makes it easier to read. Respect a narrative arc, etc.
Regardless of the type of content. The most in marketing important consideration for providing a positive user interface is that there must be information that clearly stands out and that users can easily take away from your content.
2) Evaluate and adapt the temporality of the information promoted
To ensure your content always reflects some form of timeliness. Balance approaches that rely on recent market status reports with more “evergreen” content that isn’t tied to a specific time frame, regulatory deadlines. Or limited data points.
Content that highlights recently released survey results. Circulation trends, market drivers. Or upcoming events and deadlines can almost guarantee high engagement because they in marketing provide desired updates that aren’t readily available elsewhere. However. These assets often have a shorter lifespan than evergreen assets because they require frequent checks.