Its own address (I.E. Mail.Websitename). This smtp . Server acts as a message transfer agent (mta) and is delivered to your email client . When you configure it. The mail client and the smtp server relay information about your . Email back and forth, and the smtp server verifies the email transmission data, such as .
Your sender recipient each other’s domains etc however
The smtp server does not check home owner data the . Contents of the email body. If the recipient of your email has an account where . The domain is directly connected to the smtp server, the email is delivered immediately. If . They do not have an account where the domain is directly connected, the smtp server .
The port to an smtp server which has
Is closer to the recipient. This 8 services that generate monthly income for a digital agency process . Continues until the message is delivered to a server that is directly connected to the . Recipient’s domain, at which point the email is delivered to your client. If the recipient’s . Server is down or busy, the smtp server simply stores the message on a backup .
Server if a backup server is not available
The message is queued and will taiwan lists periodically . Attempt to resend it until successful delivery is achieved. However, after a certain number of . Failed delivery attempts, the message is returned to the sender and notified that it was . Not successfully delivered. Benefits of using your own smtp server the smtp servers used by .
Gmail yahoo and others are shared among users
In most cases this is a good . Solution, but when sending mass emails it can be a problem. For one, you may . End up using an ip address to deliver your messages that is also used by . A spammer, which may cause them to not be delivered correctly. You may also not .