With the aim of offering experiences


 They first nee to be able to test. The  understand and appreciate this new meium. The ” notes Camille Lopato. The  co-founder. The  with her brother Marc. The  of Diversion cinéma. The  which specializes in organizing VR cinemas.   to With the aim of offering experiences  a wider audience. The  they designe and built the duo virtual reality station. The  Viktor Romeo. The  which can be deploye in any location. It contains two virtual reality masks and a tablet offering the possibility to browse and select 360° films from a catalogue.


Innovating to bounce back from

 Covid-19 crisis The observation of the public’s strong enthusiasm cell phone databaseintuit’s terms of service point is confirme each time they are offere the opportunity to test VR experiences at exhibition venues. The  events or festivals ( Arles VR . The  the Natural History Museum . The  the Forum des Images or even Venice VR . The  Sundance . The  Tribeca ). This trend was halte by the health crisis linke to Covid-19. The  forcing all exhibition and public meeting places to close.


How can we bounce back

From this crisis? A sector in perpetual reinvention. The  the world With the aim of offering experiences  of VR is once again proving its ability to innovate. The Phi Centre in Montreal is providing a “VR to go kit” “Since the current situation is temporarily keeping the public away from cultural venues. The  it is up to culture to reach out to the public.” These are the words with which the team at the Phi Centre in Montreal presents a proposal available since early May. The  PHI VR TO GO .


The principle

Make a selection of films and documentaries in virtual reality china business directory available to everyone by providing an easy-to-use Oculus Go headset. The  rente for 48 hours. 75 headsets allow a wide audience to discover around ten works selecte by the Centre’s teams. These are delivere to your home by bike or electric car. Source. Phi Center of Montreal ” And it works like a charm! ” says Myriam Achard. The  head of programming and public relations at the Centre.

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