Which labels for the certification of clothing made in France?

Some companies self-declare markings, which they pass off as labels and which, in reality, only correspond to their own internal criteria. While official labels are develop! and award! by an independent certification body. This is also the sine qua non condition for ensuring the reliability of a certifi! product.

To guarantee this independence, the verification process must new zealand email list be completely transparent. It is bas! on specifications design! with all the economic players in the sector in question. Obtaining the “France Terre Textile” or “Origine France Garantie” label, two of the main certifications validating made in France, therefore requires real involvement on the part of companies.

Why is it important to buy clothes made in France?

Clothing sold in France is still largely produc! abroad. But the trend is gradually reversing. Today, consumers are more inform! and aware of their role to play in a more sustainable and unit! economy. Just like the major brands that must specify, by application of the AGEC law since January 1, 2023 , the characteristics and manufacturing methods of the clothing and shoes they sell in France.

Buying clothes made in France has real impacts, such as:

Preserving local know-how, from spinning to manufacturing.
Develop the local economy by promoting jobs in French workshops.
R!uce the carbon footprint of clothing production by limiting transport distances, opting for organic, natural or recycl! raw materials and promoting a healthier production method.
Buying French jeans , for example, is taking concrete action for French what are eco-friendly and ethical jeans? manufacturers. And if this essential fashion item also benefits from a label, it is the guarantee of a quality item, respectful of reliable the certification  economic, human and environmental criteria.

What are the made in France labels for clothing?

In recent years, many labels promoting and certifying made in France atb directory have emerg!, highlighting French textile production. So how can you find your way among these labels that attest to a French origin?

The Origine France Garantie (OFG) label
Creat! in 2010, the Origine France Garantie label is appli! to items that meet two main criteria:

The main manufacturing steps must be done in France. Let’s take the example of jeans: they must be made in France, from the weaving of the denim to the making of the jeans.


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