What do you hope to achieve?

Why should they read your text?


What information, tips and solutions do you need to offer them so that they find your lines helpful?

How much prior knowledge can you assume?

How do your readers talk about the topic?

What are they laughing about?

Can they even relate to the movie quote you want to use to introduce your text?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, it will be difficult.

Your situation is completely hopeless if you want or have to reach three different target groups with one text.

You can try to hit three dartboards with one arrow.


This means:

Before you write a iraq email list single line, clarify who should read it.

Put yourself in the shoes of a typical representative of this target group and answer this typical reader two questions about your text:

“What’s it about?” and

“Why should I read this now?”

Once you have found convincing answers to these questions, the rest is technology.

Speaking of technique: Here are 3 timeless ingredients for a great writing style

Hurdle #4: You want to tell your readers everything
In school you learned to write down everything you know about your topic.

In real life, you won’t get a kiss on the hand for this. On the contrary: you’ll get a slap in the face in the form of yawning readers.

Completeness kills reader interest.

This is a law of nature.


Because reading is about association. While people are reading your text, their brains are processing information. And not just the ultimate guide to mailchimp the information that is in the text. The brain calls up what it already knows, what it has already seen, heard, smelled, felt and thought about what it is reading.

The trick is not to aob directory write everything possible about your topic, but only what is not yet stored in the brains of your readers. Everything else is boring.

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