It questions itself, examines itself, cross-checks itself. We know it is capable of misleading a multitude. It can destroy. We also know it is indispensable, unaltered by a few random protective measures. In more than a century we have therefore educated ourselves in the image. The but everything happens as if we were only at the beginning. It is that the image has its memory.
This memory is an imperative
However it remains largely business to consumer database to be written, absolutely necessary to better understand what we want to defend. How RTS is experimenting with sending news on WhatsApp with its podcast Le Short journalism November 27, 2020 Reading time. 5 min Share. By Barbara Chazelle, scientific collaborator at the Academy of Media and Journalism (AJM) of the University of Neuchâtel.
Post originally published on
the EJO platform and parallels may ask for access presented as part of a partnership with Méta-Media. Like many media outlets, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) has been thinking about rejuvenating its audiences for a year now and has launched several working groups whose mission was to come up with new formats to reach the under-35s. This initiative has resulted in Le Point J , a daily podcast that explores a current topic. A Le Rencard . A a daily Story meeting on Instagram. A and Le Short , a morning podcast sent to its subscribers via WhatsApp.
It is on this last project
particularly innovative in terms of format mobile list but also in terms of its production method, that we spoke with Magali Philip , co-producer of the Short, and with Marie Rumignani , doctoral student at the University of Neuchâtel and scientific collaborator at RTS. An unprecedented exploratory phase Before diving head first into prototyping new formats, RTS brought together journalists, digital project managers, social networks and distribution in its Info35 working group.
This phase of reflection was an opportunity to To face the questions of the day reviewitorial practices and uses relating to news consumption, which is no longer linear and varies according to audiences. “It was a deliberately heterogeneous group, which certainly lacked representatives of the technical field. As a researcher, it was very interesting to observe how this information on . Uses was then operationally restored, by people who were not necessarily convinced at the beginning and who became drivers over time.