I start working on developing my company and building a brand from within, namely with employees. After reading the book, I understood exactly what my team should look like.
There is no ne to hire specialists who, although they have the necessary competencies, are focus solely on career growth and personal gain. These should be people who share the company’s values and want to become part of our culture.
It is important that we are unit not only by work
That is why we start holding various team building events on Fridays, trips to nature, joint exercise sessions, trips to need to rush quizzes, after which employees began to organize their own clubs bas on their interests (for example: communities of animal lovers, book lovers, movie lovers, computer game lovers, etc.).
Development, development and more development
I began to try to motivate crypto users database the team to constantly develop by personal example. Provide the opportunity to take training seminars and courses, gradually increase the complexity of work tasks. This helps not to hit a ceiling and open new horizons of your own capabilities.
And thanks to the book, I also understood how important it is to convey the main goal of the company to the team.
That our goal is not just to make
Aprofit, but to grow need to rush and we don’t want you to waste your time. develop our clients, and, as a result, ours. It is important for us that every person who decides to trade on marketplaces can calmly hand over all the difficult work to our specialists, save on promotion, bring cards to the TOP and make money on their product.
Now we are already need to agb directory rush a fairly large company with our own service for promotion on the World Bank and a large staff of employees.