Another cancer that is taking the form of an epidemic is cervical cancer.
According to World Health Organization statistics, cervical cancer accounts for one in five women who die of cancer in India! Every year, about one and a half lakh women are affected by this cancer in the country. Prevalence of excessive alcoholism, lack of cleanliness during menstruation, unprotected sex life, habit of taking handfuls of birth control pills are some of the major reasons. Lack of awareness increases the risk of this cancer, but if caught early, the disease can be completely cured. Many simple procedures like pap smear, HPV, VIA, colposcopy have come. Even then, most women over 25 don’t care about these once-a-year routine exams.
Due to uncontrolled lifestyle, the rate of stomach and colon cancer has increased from 8 percent to 16 percent belgium phone number library in the last 20 years, according to doctors.
One must live in moderation to reduce the risk of cancer
According to Arunanshu Talukder, a doctor of medicine, there are two ways to get rid of cancer: ‘Prevention Oncology’. This means giving up habits that are responsible for cancer, such as smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, and making changes in diet. The second atb directory method is called ‘Early Detection’, i.e., regular check-ups. People with a family history of cancer need to be more aware.
Weight control is the priority.
What Statistics Reveal
Bad eating habits from childhood lead to ‘metabolic syndrome’, which increases the risk of stomach, pancreas, and the biosphere (montreal world’s fair, 1967) colon cancer. Stop eating all kinds of junk food and food with artificial colors, and eat more fiber-rich foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. There is no substitute for regular exercise. It is better to quit smoking and drinking. After reaching the age of thirty, it is important to undergo some screening tests. For example, it is important for women to do breast self-examination every month, mammogram test, pap test every year. Men should get a PSA test or prostate specific antigen test done.