The boundary of perception

Here we come to the point of linking two concepts: “the boundary of entrepreneurial thinking” and “the boundary of consumers’ perception of product value.” These two boundaries are invisibly connect. If customers form a “zero value for the company’s products,” then business owners most likely do not have an entrepreneurial mindset. How can this be fix?

The entrepreneur solves

The client’s problem not in general, but in one of many possible ways, relying on his knowlge and experience. The fundamental point here is that any knowlge belongs to a certain category. For example, a person has some kind of pain in the body. Knowlge of how to cope with it can relate to different “categories of knowlge”: physiotherapy, massage, sports, hypnosis, surgery, etc. Which method of getting rid of pain the entrepreneur chooses depends on his worldview, upbringing and ucation.

Moreover, it is the choice of this method

solving the problem (category of knowlge) that will subsequently determine the context of his interaction with consumers: surgeons will interact with one type of consumer, physiotherapists – with others, nutritionists – with a third, etc.

At the same time, the opposite engineer database is also often true: the context of interaction with consumers completely determines the category of knowlge that the entrepreneur uses. For example, if you lead a fitness group (context of The boundary interaction with consumers), then it is easy to assume that your activities will be bas on knowlge about fitness and its benefits for a person’s physical condition (category of knowlge).


Today, strategies and approaches

Eentrepreneurs that The the necessary equipment boundary were once effective are becoming outdat and ineffective. We often can no longer say what “makes sense” or “does not make sense” for a specific consumer aero leads bas onl y on their age, gender, ucation, income, or location. We ne to act differently and look broader.


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