Here you can find out more about Martina Fuchs:
Her website: Martina Fuchs
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Welcome to the Schreibsuchti show
Here you will learn how to write better, build an audience and earn good money. And today I have a book author with me, Martina Fuchs. Welcome. #00:00:19-3#
Hello, Servus dear Walter, and it’s nice that I can be here with you, and with you of course.
I: Yes Martina, you said that you have already written seven books, is that true? #00:00:30-1#
I: So tell us today/ Today we’re going to talk about how Martina wrote these books, how she makes money from them, how she markets these books. So, stay with us until the end of this episode, then you’ll find out how you can get these books to people. So, Martina, introduce yourself briefly. Who are you? What do you do? And what is your mission?
Hm. (affirmative) Well, I have manage their workflows been at home in the world of media and marketing for 25 years. I originally come from journalism, from the media world, and have worked for international magazines such as Kosmo, Harper’s, Homes & Gardens and so on. So I have been a newspaper writer aob directory from day one, so to speak, you could say, but then I went into business for myself with my own consulting company and specialized in the topic of expert branding, i.e. experts and marketing. I support entrepreneurs in making themselves visible as experts, in positioning themselves successfully, and of course in capitalizing on their own expertise, in other words, in building a business on it. And books have of course always played a big role in this, because they are a great boost for expert status.