Does this mean you shouldn’t worry about acquiring new customers? Not at all. The important thing to understand is that acquisition should work as an addition, not a substitution, if you want your brand to increase ROI .
A quick look at the numbers tells you that it is cheaper and more profitable to retain a customer than to acquire a new one. Taking this reality into account, you should ask yourself if you have a good customer retention plan.
Don’t worry if your answer to this
question is not definitive. In this post we show you powerful strategies to retain customers. We also teach you how to calculate the customer retention rate.
In addition, you will be able to telegram number database discover what customer loyalty is and what the difference is between customer loyalty and customer retention. You will also learn about success stories in the implementation of customer retention strategies.
What is a customer retention strategy?
Literally, the word retention means the action and effect of retaining. It occurs when an element, a product, a human free internet marketing webinars and events for february 2020 being is contain. in a certain space, in the power or under the influence of a certain person or organization.
The corporate sphere is characteriz. by the application of various retention strategies. In the economic area , we can see the malaysia numbers list case of monetary benefits that are retain. and do not imm.iately reach the worker.
In the area of human resources, the talent retention strategy is widely us. . It includes the actions that organizations develop to keep their best employees engag. and happy.