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If we have gone through this scenario or another digital hook, it is very likely that we are falling into the clutches of digital procrastination. For many specialists in the field of psychology, procrastination is a deficit in human behavior in which priority responsibilities are evad or postpon to make way for distractions that are irrelevant and that hinder the achievement of set objectives. According to Angarita (2012): “Procrastination, far from being a problem that is only limit to the academic field, shows clear evidence in very different areas such as work, family care, professional development and even the use of free time” (p.

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To procrastinate or not to procrastinate? , this turns out to be the big question, since the stress caus by work pressure, studies and everyday problems makes us look for “the great escape.” This way of escaping from our conscious or unconscious reality can lead us to business lead isolate ourselves from our main duties and seek a momentary comfort zone. At first, it could be beneficial because human beings would calm that “sea of ​​pressures”, however, all excesses are bad and even more so if these so-call “virtual excesses” monopolize our total attention to the point of fostering self-absorb beings in us.

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In front of the computer, smartphones or other mobile application. It should be mention that procrastination affects all day-to-day scenarios, creating imbalances in the way we perceive our reality. For guzmán (2013), “when you are immers in the whirlwind of procrastination your entire life is characteriz by emotional instability, your intentions do not correspond to your actions, frustration UAB Directory invades you and you can lose track of time” (p. 7). Logically, postponing or avoiding our “growth activities” can lead to feelings of guilt, stress, frustration and other states that, if not revers, would lead to serious emotional disorders.

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