To determine the exact number of monthly queries for a specific phrase (key search), you ne , to put the text enter , into the line in quotation marks. Having done this, we will see that this figure is negligible. An article with this key will be useless in terms of attracting an audience.
Nobody will type such a query, which means nobody will read the text. Accordingly, in order to change the situation, you ne , to accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database reformulate the key search. For example, “How to please girls” – according to Wordstat, it will have 497 impressions.
The essence of the request has not chang ,, but the number of users who will theoretically read the article has increas , many times. However, it is important that these 497 people click on the link and go to the site, and this also ne ,s to be work , on.
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Headline with amplifier
A good SEO text has a title that follows 3 simple rules:
- Key query in the title.
- The select , popular key search (in our case, it is “How to please girls”) must be us , in the title in the most direct word form (that is, exactly as users type it into the search bar).
Often, requests are formulat , somewhat crook ,ly, then they ne , to be chang , a little so that they comply with the rules b2c fax of the Russian language and are perceiv , normally.
For example, the query “Aspirin cardio instructions indications” for the title should be rewritten to “Aspirin – indications for cardio”. Despite the fact that you ne , to remember the requirements of search robots, titles should be written primarily for people. - No more than 52 characters with spaces . If the title is longer than 52 characters, it will be truncat ,. As a result, the user may not understand what the material is about and will not click on the link.
This means that the title ne ,s to be formulat , in such a way that it is shown in full. - Enhancer. To get the reader to click on the link, it must attract their attention. To do this, you ne , to enhance the title with eye-catching elements.
So, instead of “Abs workout at home” it makes sense to write “5 effective abs exercises” . Numbers have a magical effect on the audience, people react more often to such headlines.
How to achieve multiple
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