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This list can be continu indefinitely. After all, incorrect planning of the day prevents you from achieving your goals, causes excessive fatigue, which leads to stress, and then depression.

How to deal with this? We will tell you about it below.


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How to plan your time correctly?
Studies by psychologists and managers have shown that too much free time affects a person just as badly as too much work.


The best duration of sleep engineer database should not be less than 7 and more than 8 hours.
As for the remaining 16 hours, which are allocat for work and rest, an individual approach is important here.

In order to maintain useful articles productivity at the requir level, you cannot spend all your remaining time working. But your rest time should also be minimal, enough to maintain your tone.


You ne to plan your day yourself

It is important to understand that time management is not about making plans for the day.

This is a much longer and more serious process, which consists of:

nalysis of goals, formation of tasks bas on the analysis
⦁etermination of the degree of importance of each task
⦁ rawing up a plan
⦁ Implementation useful articles of the plan
⦁nalysis of the work done
⦁ Formation of conclusions and adjustment of the plan in accordance with real facts

Formation of tasks using the “Tree of Goals” method
The goal tree technology will help to analyze and formulate tasks. This method is us in various areas of business and everyday life. For clarity, it is drawn in any convenient way, starting with the most important goal.

For example, you ne to create your own business

At the initial stage, you  will ne 3,000,000 rubles for this (this is determin bas on analysis). You plan to receive this money in the ultimate guide to mailchimp three ways: your savings + investor deposits + subsidies from the state.

This means useful afb directory articles that your tasks for the near future will consist of three branches of the “tree”. A visual method for constructing a tree of goals is shown below.


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