! By the way, the purchase of one individual will cost on average about 100-150 rubles. That is, for 70 birds you will need only 10.5 thousand rubles.
From one quail you can get about 30 eggs per month. Birds live up to 1.5 years on average, but practitioners advise not to keep quails longer than six months. This is due to the deterioration in the quality of the egg, which loses its beneficial properties. From a quail at the age of 6 months, usually receive an incubation egg, after which it is sold for meat.
In a business like quail farming
The main share of profit comes from selling edible eggs. The cost of a dozen quail eggs varies from 50 to 100 rubles. In a flock of 60 heads, the share of females will be about 50 pieces. Receiving 30 eggs per month from each, you can earn about 15,000 rubles from selling eggs.
It turns out that raising 120 heads will bring in 30 thousand rubles monthly, 240 – 60 thousand rubles, 360 – 90 thousand rubles, and so on.
In quail farming, as in any other similar business, it is important to calculate in advance the required number of heads to obtain the necessary profit. However, raising 120 birds or more will be too expensive for apartment breeding. Therefore, to obtain a tangible profit from your business, you will need a territory on a summer cottage or a specially designated place for raising a large number of quails.
Income tax rate 2015-2016: it’s a pity that money can’t be invested in taxes!
Reading Quail rich people database Farming time: 4 min.
Contents of the article:
Video: How to interpret income tax laws to your advantage!
1. How did the tax come about?
2. What is the income Quail Farming tax in other countries?
3. How is the tax calculated?
4. Exceptional tax rates!
5. When do you need to report?
“Income tax is a reluctant agb directory tax, as if you gave your life to the state as collateral!” – this is the effect the tax burden has on the folk art of ordinary citizens. And as for Russian enterprises, the 2015-2016 profit tax has a similar easily manage a contact’s email flows effect on them, the rate of which makes the wallet of modern businessmen thinner, because this Quail Farming tax is among the leaders among the replenishment of the revenue side of the budget.