Python is not the best language



Python is not the best language with memory for allocating and managing memory. Python language philosophy Dear reader you will be certain of everything I say if you know that Tim Peters one of the first contributors to the Python language wrote rules related to the Python philosophy and only of them were mentioned on the official Python language website and they are Beautiful is better than ugly.


Explicit is better than implicit.

Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than com Uruguay Mobile Number List plicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. He has knowledge of deep learning, neural networks, and how linguistic models work. He has knowledge of command engineering techniques. He is proficient in grammar and has a large vocabulary.


 Experience in the field of specialization. Creative thinking. Problem Solving. data analysis. He is familiar with the ethics of artificial intelligence.


ARCHITECTURE The quality of the results depends on the amount of information you pro Belgium Phone Number List vide to the AI ​​and the way you phrase the command.


 In order to write commands directed to linguistic models correctly, we must understand that each command consists of several basic elements, which are The role that the linguistic model is required to perform, is it a marketer, programmer, etc.

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