Navigating the Product Industry with Email Lists

Also, notice that, by default, some terms Navigating the appear such as “email address” or “email name. That have nothing to do with your main keyword. Obviously you shouldn’t include them. Leaving those terms aside. We find very interesting keywords that are practically already telling us what. We have to include in the content. To see them more clearly, we will scroll a little to the list that appears below the graph. Semantic salience 2 We are going to take note of these and other keywords. Directly related to “what to see in Toledo. Dino RANK is already telling us which places we should include! This writes itself.

Interesting keywords that Navigating the are practically already telling

Writing them down is very easy: you just top industry data have to check the box in front. Of each word and then click on the symbol to the left of “Keyword”. Now they are copied to the clipboard and we can transfer them to a notepad, for example, along with the main keywords that we obtained before. Wait! We can still squeeze more and get more keywords. If we go to the Visibility and Competition function we can include one of the domains that are positioning for “what to see in Toledo” to see what keywords they are working on… and take them for us.

Now they are copied to the clipboard and we can transfer

In this case, the strongest domain (not the URL) in the UAB Directory SERPs is, of course, the official tourism website of Toledo. It is not at number 1 but it is the one with the most authority, so we will start there. Let’s see what DinoRANK says. visibility Now we have a new list of keywords that are working for this competitor so we will click on CSV.

In the upper right corner, to download them. It remains to examine them, discard the ones we already had or those that do not interest us and add the others to our definitive list. Repeat this with the main competitors of your project or your client’s project. We’re done with keyword research! As you can see, we have not settled for basic Keyword Research but have always gone further in search of excellence.

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