Many do not dare to go beyond the limit of one email per month.
Some people feel bad about informing their readers about a new article via email.
Swallow the red pill and see the truth:
To gain loyal readers, you need to weed out fake readers from your newsletter.
What’s the best way to do this? Be present.
Appear in your readers’ inboxes more often than the competition and maintain contact with your readers.
Many newsletter corpses are washed out of the newsletter in this way.
But even more will stay, read your emails and get used to you – and even miss you if you don’t get in touch for a week or more.
Fact: Walter always gets mail from readers if there is NO newsletter two days in a row.
A thank you is enough
Does your reader comment on a post on your site?
Does he reply to your email?
Does he write you a compliment for your work?
If so, you can’t go wrong with this answer:
Thank your reader.
There is nothing worse than simply ignoring your readers.
By the way, if you publish their comments under your article without comment, you are saying in other words:
“I don’t have time brazil email list for your comments and just published them so that my blog doesn’t look so empty. I don’t really care what you write.”
At least say thank you!
This is especially for all the “big” bloggers out there who are too good to answer their readers’ comments.
Shame on you.
#22 Pro Bono
“For the good of the public”.
This is the meaning of the Latin pro bono (publico) and implies voluntary and professional work without payment for the since all the information and instructions common good.
In the film “I am Sam,” the aob directory mentally disabled Sam convinces a star lawyer to represent him in the legal battle for custody of his daughter – pro bono.
What am I getting at?
Every now and then you can put on your generous pants and help your reader without selling him anything.
This is how you show your reader that you see him as a human being