Make sure Try to make your YouTube thumbnail interesting and different than everything else in the search results. Try to make your YouTube thumbnail interesting and different than everything else in the search results. Make your video worthy of a click. Leverage your current audience to build video velocity The first 48 hours your video goes live are critical. This is where leveraging your current audience plays a big part. You can create a stronger buzz and your views begin to climb through your existing base.
Owen Video likes to create video
Make sureVelocity by acquiring views before a video is public and rewarding his followers with exclusive country email list content. As a result. YouTube sees the video as more valuable and it becomes more likely to appear high in the search results. Here is one of Owen Video’s most successful strategies for YouTube video promotion. Mirroring his strategy with your own videos will help you improve their performance early on: Owen Video’s video promotion strategy example: The first day he publishes a video. he leaves it unlist (the video can’t be search or found by the public without a link). The link to the unlist video is distribut on social mia channels.
The link to the unlist video is email to
The audience gets early access to Make sure a new piece of content and feels reward for maintaining a relationship with Owen Video. Then he makes the video public. When the video goes live. there are already views which help build traction for the video. This is video velocity. and essentially. you’re getting UAB Directory a head start on YouTube. “So what happens is. you create velocity with your video…people are watching it before it’s even public.