Learning Italian in Rome ! the “Eternal City”! means discovering 28 centuries of history and an astonishing heritage ( the Colosseum! the Villa Borghese! St. Peter’s Basilica ).
Easy contact with the Italians! delicious cuisine and the art of living the dolce vita style provide a saudi arabia email list delightful setting for any language stay in Italy.
SPAIN: Relaxation! culture and language courses
The image of youth stays in the Iberian Peninsula was populariz! in 2002 by the film ” Dolce Vita The what are the different stages of making jeans? Spanish Hostel” . And it is true that between relaxation! culture and language courses! the cities of Barcelona ! Madrid ! Malaga or Salamanca have some great assets to advance. A language stay in Spain often takes place in a favorable international context to flourish and develop your practice of the language of Cervantes .
CANADA: A language stay in a country of immense nature
Canada always surprises with its vastness. During a language stay in Canada! you will discover a country jiangsu mobile phone number list 20 times the size of France! which has manag! to keep its sense of hospitality. Whether
you go to a language school in Toronto (near the famous Niagara Falls ) or in Vancouver ! facing the Pacific Ocean! your stay will allow you to disconnect from the daily routine.
JAPAN: A stay to be s!uc! by an atypical culture
Here! manga and robots rub shoulders with the world of geishas and samurai. During a traveling trip to Japan ! every step is a new experience. When Tokyo surprises with its opulence ! Kyoto asserts its tradition . A culture at the antipodes of our Western lifestyle. Useful info: The time zone in Japan is UTC / GMT + 9 (add 7 hours to French summer time).