Infrastructure Management

Instead of creating a new methodology for web development that incorporates data quality aspects, we consider that it is better to extend an existing methodology. Analyzing the different options of web development methodologies that support the requirements and design phases, we find the Web Requirements Engineering (WebRE) metamodel propos by Escalona and Koch [2].

Figure 1 shows the metamodel propos by WebRE. Metaclasses represent concepts without any information about their representation, and are group into two packages following the UML metamodel structure “WebRE Structure” and “WebRE Behavior”.


Figure 1. WebRE metamodel.


Table 1. DQ dimensions according to ISO/IEC 25012 standard.

The functionality of a Web system (WebRE Behavior) is model by a set of instances of two. Specific use case types “Navigation” and “WebProcess”, and specific activities such as “Brows. Search” and “UserTransaction”.

The second package of the metamodel “Structure Package”, contains belarus phone number library the metaclasses us to describe the structural elements of the Web system: content (Content), node (Node) and Web user interface (WebUI). A brief description of each element of the metamodel is shown in Table 2.

Data Quality Requirements Metamodel for Web Applications


Once we have shown the main features and elements if you are criticiz on social networks of the metamodel taken as a base (WebRE), let us now describe the propos extend metamodel (DQ_WebRE) for the integration australia aatabase airectory of elements for managing data quality requirements. To do this, we introduce the following concepts: “DQRequirement”, “InformationCase”, “Add_DQ_Metadata”, “DQ_Validator” and “DQ_Metadata”. These concepts are present as fundamental elements within the propos metamodel (see Figure 2).

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