The main rule: whoever criticizes you, treat it with detachment, consider what is said from a utilitarian point of view. and it concerns inadequate and irrational statements, such people should be blocked without regret. Unreasonable and unreasonable criticism should not be taken personally. It indicates the internal problems of the critic, but not yours.
If the criticism comes from your environment
Colleagues, relatives, friends, neighbors – you should not enter into polemics. It will be enough to politely and calmly say: “Thank you, I understand everything, I will definitely think about it.” This way you will kill two social networks birds with one stone: you will not offend a loved one who sincerely wants to help, you will not satisfy a person who wants to assert himself by openly provoking you into a conflict, you will not show strangers that the criticism has hurt and insulted you, you will not waste your energy.
Limits of what is permitted
So, you can easily block haters on architect database social networks, you can get rid of annoying neighbors and colleagues with a polite smile, but what to do if you can’t brush off criticism. For example, it comes from your boss.
As a rule, the management believes
That their status comes with unconditional rightness and a monopoly on criticizing subordinates. The manager always social networks strives to dominate, control, and demonstrate power. The manager bears responsibility, which puts enormous pressure on them. Any shortcomings of employees will affect their reputation, career, and financial situation. And you need to remember this if you are regularly criticized by your management.
If this criticism is the mall is a bit like the english champs elysées unfounded, that is, it contradicts the real facts, then you aero leads should talk to the manager. Do it calmly, relying on facts, figures, events. But if the manager behaves irrationally, gets personal, ignores arguments, the right thing to do would be to change jobs. You will not develop with this manager.