There are basically two ways to plan a career. The first is when individual career expectations are combined with the expectations of an organization for that professional. The second is when a person defines their professional goals independently. The first situation concerns what the company expects from the future of a professional, combined with their individual perspectives. The second concerns what a professional expects from their future. In both cases, it is important to consider the current individual needs and capabilities, in order to develop your action plan, that is, to devise the paths to be followed by the professional, so that your objectives are achieved and the opportunities of the market or business are taken advantage of. career planning, a tool that has already been widely used for this purpose is Business Model You , a template adapted by Tim Clark, from the famous Business Model Canvas.
Career planning Speaking specifically about independent
The author’s idea was to use this same canvas to enable career planning, Understand your mindset , that is, how you process the information you receive on a daily basis. At this point, developing self-knowledge is essential. Understand more here . Take advantage of mentoring and guidance on the best path forward. Many schools, like Korú itself, have a career guidance mentoring program. Mentoring is the guidance Bulgaria Phone Numbers or direction given by a mentor, a more experienced professional in the area of knowledge. Form a network of relationships and knowledge, which requires periodic participation in conferences, discussion groups and courses (short or long term), for example, whether to capture knowledge or share your experiences and learnings with professionals in the field. Carrying out professional benchmarking means exchanging experiences with other professionals in the field to understand common challenges, strategies for dealing with these challenges and lessons learned.
Conduct a survey of professionals who are references
Have an understanding of how you learn, as some people are more visual, others are more textual, others still need to read aloud or write down what they hear. Understanding the best way for you to learn is even a strategy to optimize time and money invested in your learning. Define your way of working, whether with the design of workflows or your own methodologies, to understand how the knowledge acquire in Finland Phone Number List academic and complementary training can be in your professional career and in the execution of your activities. in the market to help you think about possible paths to follow. This isn’t about following or copying, it’s about being inspire.