How to take criticism? Can you benefit from it?

Of course, you can! To do this, you need to learn to accept criticism as a tool for growth. Before you flare up and get offended, try to answer a few questions:

Who is criticizing you: a stranger, a relative, a colleague, a boss?
What is the reason for criticism: a desire to assert oneself or to humiliate, a desire to help, an attempt to direct you on the right path?

How can you respond wisely to this criticism: ignore it, listen, rethink your actions?

Criticism is benefit from justified and unjustified: what is the difference?
Reasonable criticism is always reasoned and supported by specific facts. The motivation for such criticism is positive: to help you correct the situation and solve the problem. Reasonable criticism often opens our eyes to mistakes and problems that we did not notice.

Unfounded criticism is based lawyer database on subjective, unproven arguments and conclusions. The critic’s motives may be different, but he always pursues personal goals. Aggressive, unconstructive criticism, picked up by many people at once, turns into hate. This is, in essence, bullying, which usually involves strangers. Hate is a manifestation of the so-called “crowd psychology”: the aggression of one person “infects” many others, increasing and growing sometimes to incredible proportions.

Calm down, just calm down

The perception of  benefit from criticism depends on the psychotype of each person. Someone can be irritated even by a neutral visiting westminster: a priority during a stay in london statement. Someone remains deaf even to objective and justified criticism. We react to criticism depending on our mood, inner well-being, attitude towards ourselves, satisfaction with ourselves. The ability to react correctly to criticism can save us a lot of nerve cells. And this skill is worth acquiring for everyone.

So, you can easily block haters aero leads on social networks, you can get rid of annoying neighbors and colleagues with a polite smile, but what to do if you can’t brush off criticism. For example, it comes from your boss.



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