How to Build Phone Number Example

As part of its methodology, inbound marketing incorporates the concept of the conversion funnel . That is, the different stages that users go through from when they hear about. A brand for the first time until they become customers. This user journey is made up of three stages:

The TOFU or “top of the funnel” phase

This is the stage where the first contacts with the user occur, who has just identified that they have a need related to our brand. To capture them, we need to have content that responds. To generic searches for information about that need, for example, blog articles or infographics.

The MOFU or “middle of the funnel” phase

Here we move forward in the How to Build Phone Number List with the user, as they become more aware of their need and the possible options to solve it. To connect with them, you have to offer them more specialized content, such as video tutorials, expert testimonials or detailed guides.

The BOFU or “bottom of the funnel” phase

After considering the possible options, the user is still interested and just needs one last push to become a customer. It’s time to offer them personalized discounts, promotions and trials.

How to Build Phone Number List


Marketing automation also plays

User monitoring : through cookies and analytics systems, we obtain information about user behavior that allows us to better target the content we offer.

Lead generation

This involves convincing the user who visits us to give us their data in order to continue nurturing the relationship with them. For example, by offering them valuable content in exchange for giving us information in a form.

Lead scoring

not all contacts are the same, nor do they have the same value for the brand. Lead scoring is a quality Specific Database By Industry lead system for users who have provided their data, so that we can know how much interest they have for us and how close they are to converting.

Lead nurturing

From the moment they leave their details until they are ready to buy, the user goes through a process that usually requires several impacts. Lead nurturing automates these impacts in the form of regular communications tailored to the user’s needs.


CRM (customer relationship management) tools are a form of automation of sales actions that can be integrated into the inbound marketing process to achieve more effective lead management.


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