Why Greece?
The Golden Visa program operates in many countries in various variations, but Greece remains one of the top priority destinations for relocators. There are a number of reasons for this.
Freom of movement. the right to live in Greece without time restrictions and the ne to leave the country at certain intervals. For comparison, when entering with a Schengen visa, you can only live in the country for 90 days within six months.
There is an opportunity not to be
Greece at all, for example, if the investor simply wants to invest in Greek real estate and receive passive income. A number of other countries do not provide such an opportunity and cancel the residence permit if the number of days spent inside the country is small.
Duration of the residence europe cell phone number list permit. Under the Golden Visa program, the investor and his family members receive a residence permit for five years at once. After seven years of residence in Greece with a residence holders have permit, you can apply for citizenship; to do this, you will ne to pass an exam in the Greek language and an interview on the history and political structure of the country.
Easy extension of residence permit
Residence permit in Greece is extend an unlimit number of times, if the grounds for its issuance remain. As long as the property remains in your ownership, you do not ne to worry about whether your residence permit will be extend.
When selling holders one of our qbo client have this property, the residence permit of the investor and all members aero leads of his family isĀ automatically cancell within three months after the transaction. The status can only be retain if another property is purchas within three months after the sale, which also meets the requirements of the Golden Visa program.