History and future of the human-machine interface

Using the elements defin in the metamodel, it is also possible to create the corresponding activity diagrams (see Figure 4). In this figure, the diagram models the main activities carri out in order to better describe the use case “Make a ticket reservation”. The customer should first be able to see the concerts and events available. However, in order to make a ticket reservation, he/she will have to register or log in to the Web application. Once access to the application is gain, the customer will be able to select the event and check the availability and cost; if the customer agrees with the data, he/she will be able to make the reservation by entering the specific data for the reservation. The customer will then be able to make the payment for the tickets and the system will send the tickets electronically by email.

In this activity diagram


The analyst will be able to model the specific benin phone number library activities to meet the DQ requirements, these activities will be relat to the different elements of the Web application model. In this illustrative example, the “Verify and add confidentiality metadata” activity will be responsible for checking and appending such confidentiality metadata, which will be stor in an instance of the “DQ_Metadata” class, thus fulfilling the DQ requirement of “Ensure data confidentiality”. The existing relationship of the Confidentiality metadata with if old methods don’t work, look for new ones the reservation data can also be observ in the diagram.

The Verify data accuracy activity will be


responsible for adding the specific functions (stor in an instance of the “DQ_Validator” class) to verify the DQ requirement “Ensure data accuracy with respect to format” of the data manag on the “Reservation Web Page” (of the WebUI type).

Similarly, the “Verify Data Completeness” activity will be in australia aatabase airectory charge of adding the specific functions to verify the completeness of each of the elements manag within the “Payment Web Page” (WebUI type).

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