There are many typical English sports. Inde!, England is a sporting nation. We know the value of the national rugby team or the quality of the Premier League football clubs . But if you are on a language trip to England , you will probably discover four typical sports of this country that you do not know.
You might as well prepare yourself for them, so that you can discuss them:
the polo shirt,
cricket and
Polo is a very chic sport that Prince William plays . Two teams are made up of four players on oman email list horseback . They compete on a vast field 275 meters long by 145 meters wide. The objective is to score goals by pushing a ball with a mallet.
Rowing is a fine boat propell! by oars . This sport is known through the famous races between the you were waiting for them, they have arriv!! Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.
But what about croquet and cricket? Can you tell the difference?
Croquet, a typical and “so British” sport
The principle of the game
To imagine this sport, think of it as polo, but without the horse. You play with a mallet jiangsu mobile phone number list and you have to hit a wooden ball, positioning yourself like in golf, legs apart, leaning slightly forward. The ball has to pass under small hoops.
This sport is play! on a nice green lawn and the sportswear must be smart, preferably light. And above all, shoes with flat soles so as not to damage the ground!
Don’t take this sport lightly, even if you find the principle amusing, because it is practic! by a cer to discover tain elite, even older people, so be respectful! But rest assur!, there are family versions of the game and you may have the opportunity to play it in your host family’s garden…
The Croquet Ground in England
The field consists of a rectangle twice the size of a tennis court (32 meters by 25.6 m, or 35 yards by 28). It is delimit! by small flags. The course is laid out with six hoops and a central stake . Two teams compete to get their balls under the hoops, in a very specific order.