Case: VT-metall
Find out how we r ,uc , the cost of attracting an application by 13 times for a metalworking company in Moscow
Find out how
- what to do if your wisdom tooth hurts;
- what to do if a wet cough does not go away and phlegm forms;
- what to do with Quincke’s ,ema.
Key queries can be search , using phone number list the free WordStat service. The search for LSI words should be conduct , on sites from the top ten search results for a given topic. Then it is important to estimate the volume of the text, create a title and description.
Principles of writing SEO texts for a website
Let’s consider how to enjoy connecting beyond the typical 9 to 5 timeframe write SEO text. First of all, you should make an action plan – everyone will have their own. At the same time, the structure of the text itself is usually the same.
Important Elements of SEO Text
- Idea. Studying the topic of the material, searching for information.
- Audit. Study of competitors’ websites, search for keywords, their analysis.
- Foundation. Collection b2c fax of semantic core (SC) for a future article.
- Getting start ,. Creating a text plan.
- Implementation. Writing a rough draft.
- Optimization. Implementation of key queries into the material.
- Errors. Finding errors in the text and correcting them.
- Launch. Article publication.
- Conclusion. Evaluation of the results of posting material in relation to the activities of competitors.
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How to make SEO text that will be as useful as possible? You should follow some rules:
- search query matching;
- informativeness, completeness and reliability;
- literacy, logic, absence of stylistic errors;
- moderate number of keywords;
- structur , and unique;
- ease of perception, semantic accessibility.