An animation to display an element or image, to highlight a button, to insert a link, elements with video where the sound is played directly . Exaggerated animations & sound all of these are things that visitors may find annoying. It is possible to make a B2B website more interesting with animations . Exaggerated animations & sound but only if they are used appropriately. Sound effects that play automatically should only be used quietly in the background. Everyone knows how annoying it is when people on the train or bus suddenly play a loud sound . whether intentionally or unintentionally. It is therefore important to use animations and sound effects in such a reduced manner that neither visitors nor those around them are disturbed.
Confusing navigation
Does your navigation consist of more than 5 navigation points . Have countless sub-points with dropdowns or scroll bars? Visitors want to email data get to their destination quickly and without having to search for a lot of information. That’s why you need a clear hierarchy structure. This not only helps visitors, but is also an important quality factor for search engines.
Annoying advertising
The visitors are on your company website and there is a Google Ads banner on the left, right, top and bottom. Since you have no influence on the advertising shown there, it can happen that this advertising annoys the visitors and turns them away from your website. It can also happen that the visitor ends up on the website of one of your competitors with one click and that is the last thing you want for your visitor.
Bad loading time
Visitors browse your website, but have to wait for but if you don’t know where to start, don’t worry! the subpage to load completely with each click. You should optimize this. A 2017 study found that the bounce rate increased . Exaggerated animations & sound by 32% when the loading time increased from one second to three seconds. So make sure that loading times are appropriate. You can achieve a lot by simply reducing the size of images that are too large. But too many animations and embedded videos can also affect loading times.
Bad Imagery & Stock Photos
Do you have different images on your website, but they are blurry or poorly photographed? Make sure that your images on the website correspond to mobile list the same visual language as the images in your corporate design. The aim is for visitors to be able to associate the images on your website with your company. Poorly photographed images create an unprofessional impression. You should also avoid typical stock photos. Ideally, you should work with a photographer who takes pictures of your employees. Authentic images are a real hit.