Perhaps the Digital marketing most obvious function is to increase the number of sales. Let’s understand it?
Marketing that works is marketing that sells
Before anything else, if you are looking to invest in Marketing , there is a good chance that your main priority is to sell.
Consolidating your Digital marketing brand and building customer loyalty is important, but there is no point in having a brand without sales, and there is no point in building Digital marketing loyalty if there are no customers.
In this sense, ROYAL’s founder, André Ramos, has his own definition of Marketing:
Marketing is the market, that is, voluntary exchanges, in action. The combination of “market”, market in Digital marketing English, with “ing”, which in English indicates an action being carried out.
Therefore, marketing is “making a market”, it is seeking sales!
All good marketing helps to bring in sales, otherwise it is not marketing, it is “beautification”, a waste of time, money and energy.
The first steps of marketing
Advertising is something that has been with humanity since the beginning of time.
This is due, in part, to the fact that commerce has been present in our midst since very early on.
As communities evolved, it was realized over time that it would be much more advantageous for each person, or group of people, to commit themselves to producing what they did best and obtain the rest by exchanging with others.
The trials of what would become advertising had their birth almost alongside writing, with records of Egyptian papyri in Antiquity job function email list announcing that a certain product or service was being sold.
Given this, we can see that the advertisements for buying and selling are very old.
But, the scenario began to take shape as we know it today with the creation of the Gutenberg Press, which made the emergence of the press possible.
The Printing Press became a historic landmark because it made it possible to reproduce texts en masse.
Now we could print several and several units of books and also newspapers
And this is where a fundamental point of as we know it today arises.
People saw the opportunity to buy space in this newspaper, which was distributed en masse to the population, to advertise something.
It became why should you analyze the customer service cycle possible to buy visibility in a very practical way, something that would only evolve over time.
Within this, in 1836 there in England, the editor of the newspaper La Presse, Émile de Girardin, was the first to rely on advertisements in his newspapers in a broad way.
The price of newspapers decreased and sales increased as a result.
In other words, advertising in a newspaper became even more advantageous.
Another important milestone for was the Industrial Revolution.
With it, humanity increased its production in a way never seen before.
And with the growth in production, there was naturally a need to improve sales mechanisms.
After all, what’s the point of producing if there’s no one to buy it, right?
With the consolidation and evolution of the Revolution in the 20th century, advertising agencies began to grow and take up space throughout the world.
In this context, radio also south africa numbers emerged, bringing the opportunity to advertise products focusing on audio.
As a result, techniques were improved in this area. It was at this time that the well-known jingles emerged , for example.
It didn’t stop there, as television soon appeared and things changed completely.
Advertising pieces now had to worry about simultaneous image and audio and the possibilities of attracting customers expanded greatly.
With the spread of television, it became possible to pay to be in the homes of a gigantic mass of people through commercials.
Have you noticed how has evolved in a way that has become increasingly easier to communicate with people and reach them on a massive scale?
Today, we find the height of this with the internet
With the internet we can access the entire world easily and advertise to it.
We will see this in detail later in the text.
If you want to understand how Digital g is the best opportunity that has ever existed for you to sell more and build your brand, just continue reading!
Before we get into Digital, it’s important to talk about offline.
And what is it? Offline brings together g strategies that do not enter the digital environment.