Branding is a concept that encompasses very different issues Caring for the image surrounding a brand’s identity. When thinking about branding , we should not limit ourselves to the logo, since this will be no more than a graphic representation of all the values attributed to the brand. These values and attributes will be largely graphic (logo, fonts, image style, icons, colours, etc.) but also of many other types: messages, tone of oral and written communication, mission, vision, advertising elements, blogs, web pages, social networks, emails, packaging, positioning at the point of sale, signage, vehicle lettering, uniforms, internal communication… In short, any manifestation of the brand has a series of values associated with it that will form part of it.
Due to this multiplicity of factors, the work of a brand manager or a communications or cell phone database marketing team – whoever is in charge of caring for the brand in each case – is complex and depends on very diverse axes and variables, and even on clients and suppliers.
In the case of physical elements that accompany
the brand in the form of corporate material, it is key to treat them with dedication and detail so that they integrate the ideas and messages the power of data in customer loyalty that the brand wants to convey to its contacts, clients and potential clients. Corporate material, therefore, should be considered another communication channel .
A unified corporate material or merchandising that is coherent with each other and with the brand is essential so that all the points of contact between these elements and the client or potential client project the same brand image and unequivocally transmit its values. If we refer to elements of corporate material aimed at the company’s internal teams, a uniform image will enhance the employees’ feeling of belonging to the company, as well as a greater presence of the brand in their daily work.
Having a partner with experience in the field of corporate material can be key usa b2b list to correctly expressing a brand’s values. Companies such as Galanta, Mediapost’s business unit specialising in loyalty, incentive and commercial motivation programmes, can support the company in the process of creating catalogues of corporate material, both for external or external promotional actions and for the creation of attractive gifts for loyalty and incentive programmes; as well as in the production of these and even in their distribution.