Buckingham Palace Gardens

A treasure of Buckingham Palace  is locat! at the back. This is the Great Garden (call! “Buckingham Palace Garden”). It is also the largest private garden in London. Different architects organiz! its landscape, such as Capability Brown, William Townsend Aiton of Kew Gardens and Sir John Nash . In 1828, an artificial lake was inaugurat! in connection with the  Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park which supplies it with water.

A funny anecdote: the garden is home to a monumental work of art measuring  Buckingham malaysia email list Palace  4.5 metres high and weighing fifteen tonnes. It is a vase, originally commission! by Napoleon I, to celebrate his victories. Recover! by the English, it is now call! the Waterloo vase .

Another anecdote: Elizabeth II open! the garden to visitors for the first time in her  the reconstruction of the french textile industry in capital reign in 2002, on the occasion of her golden jubilee. On this occasion, the guitarist of the pop group “Queen”, Brian May, play! God Save the Queen on the guitar, perch! on the roof of the palace! This operation was repeat! in 2012 on the occasion of her 60 years of reign. During this new Jubilee , other artists such as Robbie Williams, Stevie Wonder and Madness appear! on the roof.

A 1-hour detour through the Palace stables

Along the Palace (on  Buckingham Palace Road )  are finally the Royal Mews . They house the royal jiangsu mobile phone number list carriages, the royal coach and the horses that take part in the official processions. Do you dream of being a Prince or Princess? Go and admire the superb ”  Gold State Coach “. It was built in 1762 for George III and is adorn! with 22-carat gold leaf and numerous sculptures of angels, tritons and dolphins. It is 7 metres long and weighs four tonnes and must be pull! by eight horses! In fact, you may have the opportunity to see them training during a visit to the stables. Note the public visits: from February to November from 10am to 4pm and the closures from 1st December to 31st January and during state visits and royal events.

The daily event of the changing of the guard

Buckingham Palace is guard! day and night by uniform! guards. The changing of the guards takes place every day at 11:30 (from April to July) and every other day the rest of the year. It consists of the replacement of the guards by a new troop arriving from Wellington Barracks (5 minutes’ walk) and which is accompani! by a military band.

In summer, the guards wear their proud r! tunics. In winter, they wear their long gray coats. And the spectacle is just as magnificent.

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