Black Friday also steps on the accelerator in the motor sector

Born on the other side of the pond as a kind of consumerist hangover from Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday has also taken deep roots in these parts , where discounts multiply like mushrooms practically throughout the month of November (although this event is officially celebrated on the fourth Friday of this month). 85% of Spaniards plan to make a purchase on Black Friday , according to a recent study by Tandem Up . And 70% are, in fact, waiting for this shopping event to buy those products that they had previously found at cheaper prices. Although technology, fashion and home are the sectors that attract the most purchases during Black Friday, this event seduces companies from practically all sectors of activity. This is the case of the engine, where the phenomenal Black Friday offers also arrive.

The offers born in the heat of Black Friday 

At gomotor we are aware that the purchase of a vehicle is not an impulsive purchase, such as fashion, we must think and consult in advance the category email list different options that the market offers. For this reason, this year we changed Black Friday to Black Month, thus extending the offers to an entire month, and giving customers more room to plan their purchase. Discounts are the key point in this event, and at gomotor we offer the biggest discounts of the year, and we maintain them for a longer period.

Do bargains really have a place in the motor sector during Black Friday

On a new vehicle it is more complicated to be able to give a large discount, because in the end it is the brand that decides, and the lack UAB Directory of stock is a handicap that adds up when it comes to offering large discounts. However, in the used vehicle market you can play more with prices and margins, since we do not have to follow any brand guidelines. At gomotor the discounts go hand in hand with the type of vehicle and the brand you choose. This Black Month we have cars on the website with discounts of up to €7,000 among a wide selection of vehicles.

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