After you create a blog , you need reach.
If your blog is already running, you need a better ranking.
So what can you do?
Feel free to ask your reader for help. This is not a sign of weakness, but an act of humanity. Most people are happy to help others – and even feel better afterwards.
This also gives your reader the feeling that they have contributed something to your success.
#4 Don’t write your emails to all readers at the same time
How do you write your emails and blog posts?
Are you addressing your reader directly or are you writing to the general public?
Here is an old saying from the legendary Dan S. Kennedy:
Even if your texts are sent out to thousands of people, they will only be read by one person at a time.
Always address your emails and blog articles to one person only.
You can’t go wrong with the personal pronoun ‘you’.
This will give the impression that you are speaking personally to your reader when he or she reads your text.
Tip: 10 Commandments for Click-Strong Headlines
#5 Let him into your living room
Don’t worry, I don’t mean that literally.
By this I mean the “Kevin Hart Method”.
After a series of unsuccessful performances, Kevin Hart changed his method:
In his shows he korea email list focused on his personal defeats, failures and weaknesses.
That was his breakthrough and his audience started loving him. What should you do?
Show your reader that you are serious:
Invite him into your intimate living room and share your embarrassing secrets with him.
#6 They say your reader is wrong.
But you know better.
You too have been told that you are wrong.
That you should look for a secure job.
That a blog why does your small business need an easy-to-use crm? simply has no future.
Friends, colleagues and jealous people tried to dissuade you from pursuing your dreams – we all know what it’s like.
What do I mean by that?
If your reader has big aob directory plans and dreams (and you should inspire them to do so), they will face a lot of resistance and rejection.