Aren’t you even starting?

Hurdle #2: You think you have nothing to say


Because 1000 other authors have already written incredibly original texts about your topic?

And now you’re sitting in front of your computer and trying to come up with something revolutionary on the same topic? You can even starting? stop. Nothing is coming of it.

“There is nothing new under the sun.” That’s what the Bible says. And what was true over 2000 years ago is even more true now that every seco

d person is blogging. The sooner you face this biblical insight, the better.

Then you are free. Free from the burden of having to be original.

Do some research instead! See what others have thought before you. Read everything there is to read on your topic! Talk to experts in your field!

This is how you get the inspiration you need for good texts

( David Ogilvy – copywriter iran email list and king of advertising – was a research fanatic.)

Once you know what there is to say about your topic, you can think about it your way. And write it down in your own words.

This way you become a source of inspiration for others. Then the content of your texts will be helpful – maybe even great.

As Karl Valentin said:

“Everything has already been said. Just not by everyone.”

(Here you can find more quotes about writing .)

Hurdle #3: You manage their workflows don’t know who you’re writing for

Have you already written seven introductions to your text and deleted them all again? If this happens to you regularly, you don’t know who you are writing for.

In order to aob directory write a good text – and especially a good introduction – you have to see your reader in front of you.

Because your text is good if it surprises your readers. If it tells them something new or contradicts what they think they know.

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