Python dotenv is a popular and powerful tool use in the Python programming language to manage environment variables in a project. Environment variables are key-value pairs that are us to store sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, and other configurations that should not be hard-cod into a project’s source code.
One of the main advantages of using python-dotenv is that it allows developers to keep their sensitive information secure by storing them in a separate file calld .env. This file is typically not includ in the project’s version control system, such as Git, so that the sensitive information is not expose to anyone who has access to the project’s source code.
env file in the root directory
of their project and add their environment variables in the following format:“`To access these environment variables in their Python code developers can use the dotenv module provided by python-dotenv. They can import the module and call the load_dotenv() function in their code to load the environment variables from the .env file.
env fileload_dotenv()# Get the vietnam phone number value of the SECRET_KEY environment variableSECRET_KEY = os.
getenv(‘SECRET_KEY’)# Get the value of the DB_NAME environment variableDB_NAME = os.
getenv(‘DB_NAME’)“`By using python-dotenv, developers can easily manage their environment variables in a project and ensure that their sensitive information is kept secure. They can also share their project with other developers without worrying about exposing their sensitive information.
In addition to managing
Environment variables, python-dotenv also allows developers to customize their project’s configurations by using different .env files for different Cambodia Phone Number List environments, such as development, testing, and production. This allows developers to easily switch between different configurations without modifying their code.
For example, developers can create separate .env files for development and production, each containing different environment variables for their respective environments. They can then load the appropriate .env file based on the current environment using the dotenv module.