If you have reached this article, it is because you are also considering having a presence on this platform, but you still have doubts about how it works and whether it will really have a positive impact on your results.
We want to help you clear up all the questions that are running through your mind when thinking about TikTok for businesses. That’s why here you’ll find useful information about this platform that will help you make america phone number list the decision, as well as some general ideas about how to advertise on TikTok and how to develop an organic content strategy. We’re sure that, by the end, your ideas will be much clearer about which path to take.
What is TikTok good for in a company?
As a social network, TikTok is an excellent tool for businesses to increase visibility, reach, brand recognition, proximity to the public and, ultimately, sales. However, it has its peculiarities.
On the one hand, it is one of the social networks with the most active users despite being the youngest among its competitors, which demonstrates the great projection it has for the future.
Although it is believed that this social network has a young audience, the reality is that it is not as young as you think. Although this audience is generally under 35 years old , only 37% of users are under 25 years old . Therefore, yes, the majority of the audience of this platform is young, but not adolescent , and also has a very good acceptance among the public between 35 and 44 years old. In that sense, we could say that TikTok increasingly covers a wider population range, allowing companies of all kinds to have a place.
Another of the most notable and interesting aspects
of TikTok for companies is that it has positioned itself as a popular search engine among Generation Z (those born between 1995 and 2000). It seems that young people are attracted to the most immediate and easy answers in video or audio format, since according to Prabhakar Raghavan, Google’s vice president, 40% of this generation uses TikTok and Instagram to search . This positioning as a search engine Promote create effective content for the young generation may also be due to the fact that TikTok has a very powerful algorithm that shows results with a high level of personalization.
All of this data highlights that TikTok should also be in the spotlight for companies as a platform on which to position their content to appear to the public interested in their products or services.
How to promote your business on TikTok
We have already talked a little about australia database directory what TikTok can offer to companies. If, at this point, you think that this social network has some features that you can take advantage of, we encourage you to continue reading this section, where we go into more detail and explain the two ways to have a presence on this platform: organically and with paid campaigns.