How to sell to those who don’t open your newsletters.

Marketers spend time and effort to collect huge email lists. It is believed that the larger the contact base, the more profit it can bring. But, at best, 20% of subscribers will open the letters. The remaining 80% will lie dead weight in your database.

What to do? Let’s see what methods exist to attract the attention of inactive users and return them to the ranks of buyers.

Why do many subscribers not open emails?

Enemy #1 – spam filters , which very often send your emails to the spam folder. If the email gets there, it will not be seen or read.

Why do spam filters do this? Although each mailer has its own quirks, there are several common signs by which they form an attitude towards your  phone number database mailings. They pay attention to the following points:

How many people open your emails;
Are there any replies to your letters;
Whether your email is added to your address book or not;
How many people delete your messages without opening them;
How many people click the spam button when receiving your emails.
If mail services see that 70% – 80% of recipients do not respond to your letters, or their response is negative, then over time your mailings will be completely perceived as spam.

And even those people who want to receive your letters will have fewer and fewer chances to see them in their inbox.

Enemy #2 is a boring subject line and an google forms keyboard shortcuts equally sad preheader or lack thereof. If your letter, having broken through an army of spam filters, got into the inbox, but could not interest the recipient, no one will read it either.

Enemies #3 include all errors in working with the client base . This is the lack of segmentation, personalization, testing, ignorance of subscribers’ interests, periods of their activity, and everything else.

Points 2 and 3 lead to recipients ceasing to be interested in your content, you lose contact with them. Then spam filters come into play, tracking negative reactions from subscribers. Check your statistics for all the positions listed in point 1. If more than 80% of your base are dead souls, start fixing the situation immediately.

5 Steps to Revive Your Customer Base

How to bring back cold subscribers? Use the following 5 steps to start selling even to those people on your contact list who have stopped opening your newsletters.

Step 1: Identify inactive users.

Before you start working with an inactive usa lists audience, you need to have a precise algorithm for determining who is a dead-asleep client and who is still showing signs of life.

Before sending out a mailing, set a time interval after which you can safely separate active users from inactive ones. For example, you send 2-3 letters per week.

If someone does not open your messages for 3 months, classify them as inactive.

It’s simple. Send out a newsletter, wait for the allotted time, and find out which of your subscribers are dormant. Then send them an email that will help bring them back into the ranks of active followers.

SurfStitch showed everything a subscriber could miss while not responding to their messages in a letter to cooled-off customers. There is a setting for the frequency of mailings and links to the catalog. The company also reminds about its advantages – free delivery, return of goods within 100 days and customer-oriented support service.


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