How to advertise on Instagram and sell more?

Advertising on Instagram and other social networks is, indeed, an interesting way to attract a segmented audience, improve the promotion and reach of a brand and increase sales.

Since its inception in 2010, Instagram has undergone changes, attracted diverse audiences and awakened the creativity of those who want to use the tool to do business.

If in the beginning the platform’s focus was on photos, today it opens space for short videos (reels), competing with TikTok , and longer videos, keeping an ever-increasing number of users connected in search of news and good experiences.

Why advertise on Instagram?

Talking about the possibilities of special database  on Instagram makes perfect sense if your company’s intention is to invest in platforms that increase the chances of connecting with audiences interested in good content, whether entertainment or information.

To get an idea of ​​Instagram’s visibility, this is the third most accessed social network in Brazil and the fourth in the world, behind Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp, according to the We Are Social survey , released in July 2022 by Hootsuite.

There are more than 1 billion active users worldwide and almost 120 million here in Brazil.

When the study lists the favorite platforms of users between 16 and 64 years old, Instagram rises to second place, behind only WhatsApp. Of this audience, 62.7% follow brands and products on the platform.

Creativity is the watchword for anyone wanting to advertise on Instagram

On Instagram, you can work with brand that it is an email written in a campaigns, engagement campaigns and educational content about products and services through single photos, carousels and videos.

The spaces available for working on content are:

  • Feed
  • Stories
  • Reels
  • Explore Tab
  • Video session
  • Store

The indicators are the most varied:

  • Conversions
  • Clicks
  • Video views
  • App Downloads
  • Rich material downloads
  • Lead capture through landing pages
  • Between others

READ MORE : 5 types of content to post on social media

The secret to capturing the public’s attention is to make the most of the tool’s resources and cross-reference them with the behavior of the users your company wants to attract. Knowing your target audience and their way of consuming makes it much easier to create ads that delight and convert.

As with any platform, planning is the basis of the campaign. By carefully defining each stage, performance measurement and any necessary adjustments become more precise and agile.

READ ALSO: 10 tools to help you manage your social media

I want to advertise on Instagram. Where do I start?

Working with campaigns on mobile list  is simple, as long as the planning and study phase of the brand/product/service is done correctly.

See how the platform works:

1 – First, you need to create an account in Business Manager to be able to access Ads Manager to create the campaign.
2 – The next step is to create a name for the campaign, define the objective (traffic, engagement, etc.)
3 – Then you need to enter the investment and duration of the campaign. At this point, you can define a cost per click or let the platform manage it. The important thing here is to have a start and end date, so that there are no additional charges if the campaign is not paused.
4 – Once this is done, it is time to segment the audience, that is, choose the profiles of the people who can be impacted by the campaign.
5 – The next step is to define the channel for the campaign (in this case, Instagram).
6 – Then just upload the creative (photo, carousel or video) and send it to the platform for analysis. If everything is correct, your campaign will go live.

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