Personnel search channels

You ne special techniques and knowlge, which can be most easily obtain by taking recruiting training .

Specializ job search sites ( and similar)
Niche sites with freelance services (, freelance exchanges). Here you can first give a one-time job, evaluate the quality, and then invite to work.

Communities of specialists of the requir profile in social networks and telegram

Target advertising in social networks by target audience (you can focus on professional interests, communities, statuses, etc.)
Recommendations, they can be from company employees, clients, contractors, etc.
Offline methods: ads wherever possible.
Preliminary selection
You can use screening tests, there is even special software that can help with this.

For example:

To find candidates, this search channels service uses gamifi neurobiological tests that have proven themselves to be effective.

Or, which uses crypto currency database AI to evaluate candidates

In general, the search channels range of options is huge, first you ne to attract target traffic, then filter it and select the best ones. Then interview each candidate, perhaps more than one, and then take someone on probation. That’s the whole strategy.

It may include practical tasks and an assessment of the candidate’s general skills

It is better when there are several interviews, and then a meeting is held at which it is decid whether to invite this specialist to work or not. This way you can see the situation from different points of view, which will help you make a balanc decision.

Search for specialists using Headhunting technology (Executive Search)
It is us not only for the selection of top managers. Any specialist who plays an important role in the work of the company can become an object of “hunting”.

Unlike the Recruiting technology, where afb directory the main efforts are aim at finding a candidate who meets the specifi parameters, when using the Headhunting technology at the first stage we pay great attention to:

studying the client’s business where and how to buy ekiben different places and the technologies us in production or provision of services;
studying a search channels vacant position in the company structure;
drawing up a profile of a specialist for a vacant position.



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