Why Amazon now sells reviews – Amazon’s new rating system

Reviews were always Amazon’s biggest problem. There were often too few of them and nobody buys products without reviews. So the trade in fake reviews became big, because anyone who secured a lot of positive reviews was clicked on and bought on Amazon. This in turn annoyed Amazon, so they took very strict action against such false reviews and had a lot of them deleted, especially in the last few months.

Now Amazon itself is selling reviews. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly that means and what it’s all about.

Amazon sells reviews new rating system?

In the USA, Amazon recently rolled out a new algeria phone number data rating system . A system that allows retailers to boost their products with appropriate ratings. The whole thing is called the “Early Reviewer System”. Because Amazon is aware of the tragedy and knows that only products with ratings sell well, they now want to encourage this for new products. With the newly introduced system.

In reality, this simply means that every customer who everyone makes mistakes leaves a review receives a voucher worth between one and three dollars for their efforts. However, Amazon decides who reviews and which product is included in the system. Retailers can currently only apply in the “Seller Central”.  Because, as already mentioned, nothing sells on Amazon without reviews.

Positive or negative?

Even if the retailer pays for the reviews, this does not provide a guarantee new rating system. The problem on Amazon is that customers pay a lot of attention to reviews and customer opinions. On the other hand, the trade in fake reviews is booming, while fresh list customers themselves are rating less and less, or only certain products and categories receive attention and feedback. With the new system, Amazon wants to primarily promote new products and increase reviews, which ultimately continue to decline. In the best case scenario, this also reduces the purchase of fake reviews.

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