How did you come up with the idea

The basic idea is first and foremost a result of my own experiences as a self-employed person the idea. As a founder and freelancer, you constantly have to deal with traditional banks, which are not only expensive and complicated. They don’t understand me or my needs as a founder at all.

As a self-employed person, it often happens that you don’t know which tax payments are coming up and how much you will actually have left for yourself at the end of the month. You often have no idea how much money you will earn on average in the next few months. Unfortunately, financial chaos is one of the most common reasons why self-employed people fail to successfully implement their ideas.

Most recently, I founded the accounting software Debitoor and helped build it up until the company was sold to HG Capital. Even then, our target group consisted of freelancers, founders and small business owners. Therefore, I already knew the problems and needs of this group very well.

What exactly do you offer and who is the target group?

We offer a free business account the idea australia phone number data for freelancers, founders and self-employed people, where banking, accounting and tax control come together.

What is special about Kontist compared to many other financial offers?

We understand our target group better than traditional banks the idea. Our team consists almost entirely of people who have already gained many years of experience as self-employed people. This helps us in product development.

We want to fundamentally simplify our customers’ financial management and give them control over their finances. This includes easy access to business accounts without frowning from the bank advisor, with account opening that is completed in under 10 minutes on average.

This includes, above all, the reduction of bureaucracy and the automation of unnecessary work steps. By integrating accounting tools, some bookings are already do you like drinking coffee? created completely automatically.

We see great potential for the future in how we can save our customers time, money and stress. This way they can concentrate more on what is important to them and implement their ideas more successfully.

Many self-employed people have problems saving money to pay taxes. How does Kontist help with this?

In theory, every self-employed person knows that they have to put money aside for tax. In everyday life, however, things are often different. There is hardly anyone who has not been confronted with high additional payments.

The Kontist account helps you keep track of everything. Every time money is received, sales tax and income tax are automatically posted to a virtual sub-account. In the future, we hope to be able to post expenses automatically as well, so that the accounting fresh list is always current and up to date. The problem with accounting is that it is usually done slowly and with a delay – many self-employed people only sit down once or four times a year and post their expenses. What comes out as a tax payment or refund is often a surprise. With our solution, you always have a precise overview of your finances and know what is really yours. This way, you can finally plan as a self-employed person.

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