Remove any information from your text that your readers already have.
Another problem that school has caused us.
My daughter learned how to write a letter to the editor in 7th grade. The German teacher advised the children: “Save the best argument for the end!”
Nothing wrong with a good conclusion. But if people have to read four arguments in your letter to the editor that they already know (see hurdle number 4) or don’t find convincing, they won’t make it to your killer argument.
They simply get out early
This is not the exception, but the rule. Most texts lose their readers very quickly – in the first few seconds.
So if you ever write a letter to the editor, give people your best argument straight away!
Or as the journalist Henri Nannen said:
“Start with an earthquake. And then increase it.”
Hurdle #6: You israel email list don’t think enough before you write
Do you struggle through your texts? Do you have to force yourself to write every sentence? Do you change the structure five times? Do you read your text over and over again while you are writing it?
Break this habit as quickly as you can!
If you want to write good texts quickly, you have to think beforehand.
Who is your target sales process: a 5-step process you won’t hate group?
What do they need from you on this topic?
What do you want to aob directory achieve with the text?
How do you need to structure your text to fulfill this purpose?